All the research on parenting shows that a strong bond with your child is essential for a happy, healthy home. The hard part is knowing how to get there. The other hard part is locking yourself in the bathroom long enough to formulate any sort of reasonable plan!
The key is to make that time to check in with what you need, want, and feel (probably while you’re locked in the bathroom). Your connection to yourself is the basis for your connection to your child. Integral Parent Coaching helps you connect deeply with both your children and with yourself.
How it Works
Most of us think if we can just get our children to do what we say everything will go smoothly, right? How’s that working for you, my friend?
Have you noticed that, when you insist on your way or the highway, your children either push back (and sparks fly) or they shut down? Either way, the connection is broken. While it may seem counterintuitive, to have the happy family we all long for the change has to start with us.
Underneath both your child’s challenging behavior - and your knee-jerk response to it - are a bundle of powerful, suppressed emotions. Interrupting your responses and letting yourself feel the underlying emotions releases tension, clears your mind, and makes a more loving connection possible. You become the playful, kind, and steady parent your child needs. That’s when a powerful transformation occurs: your child changes, too. The effect can feel like magic.
As stuck as you may feel, you can experience the powerful transformation that “magically” happens when you change your same-old responses to your children.
Drawing from her extensive training in HandinHand parenting, Integral Coaching and Motivational Interviewing, Susannah helps you release the emotional tension that keeps you from the connection you want with your child, then shows you how to do the same for your children. Susannah will accompany you through any parenting struggle you might be facing and provide you with powerful, practical tools and tailored skills that will change the status quo in your family.
Susannah is a compassionate, deep listener, and a skilled guide whose personal journey through many parenting obstacles informs her approach and gets parents the results they want.
Integral Parent Coaching is for you if …
You feel out of control or unsure how to respond to your child
You want to stop yelling, punishing or lecturing
You seek to resolve entrenched conflicts with - or between - your children
You feel alone and isolated as a parent
You hope to develop kind/effective limits while holding reasonable, developmentally-appropriate expectations of your child
You are the parent of an intense or special needs child
“I design ways for you to become aware of unhelpful habits, which is the first step in changing them. Having me to report back to means that you get support for implementing the new skill and refining it over time, so that eventually it becomes a way of being.”